Tuesday, October 28


Kell on 19:27, see tähendab, et olen peaaegu 24h juba õnnelik interneti kasutaja Tallinna kodus. Eile see aktiveeriti, mis kujunes paljude "tehnikute" lubaduste jadaks. Lühidalt öeldes soovisid Elioni tehnikud tulla õhtuse aja asemel juba ennelõunal ja aktiveerida kodulahendus ning mis mul selle vastu sai olla! Tuldi kohale, selgitati välja, et siin on mingi ühendus olemas, see tühistatakse ja pannakse minu oma asemele. Lahkuti sõnadega, et 10 minuti pärast saan juba internetti kasutada. Helistati veel üle, paluti mul tavaline uksevõti sinna telefoniauku pista ja öeldi, jah, nüüd kõik töötab. Hakkasin siis juhtmeid ühendama arvuti ja ruuteri vahel... mul kui tehnika-võhikul võttis see tunnike vähemalt, sest kõik tulukesed ei hakanud ega hakanud vilkuma/põlema ruuteril ja lubatud netti ei saanud. Proovin veel ja veel... Siis helistan Elioni - selgus, et pean ootama üht sõnumit hoopis. Nii.. see tulebki õhtul, kuid koju jõudes lõplikult hakkasin uuesti üritama 9 paikku õhtul. Ikka ei saanud netti, kõik oli sama. Helistan uuesti infosse - tehnik ütleb väga positiivselt, et tõepoolest, üks toiming on jäänud eelnevalt tehnikute poolt tegemata. Jutu käigus midagi ta tegi seal pool poolust ja tulukesed hakkasid vilkuma-põlema ning voila - ühendus oli loodud! Polnduki lühike seletus - lühike oleks olnud: mulle lubati erinevate tehnikute poolt 1 päeva jooksul 3 korda ühenduse võimalikkust ning viimane kord läks õnneks. Lõpp hea kõik hea!
Eile õnnestus vahepeal arvutisse veel üks viirus saada, lisaks üleeile saadud viirusele. Siit õpetuse: kui otsite masinate kasutusjuhendeid või mis iganes, ärge installige, laadige alla, faile mida te ei tea! Ning - mistahes veebikeskkonnas ärge lisage sõpru-tuttavaid listi, keda arvate teadvat! Enne veenduge, siis tegutsege! Mulle olid mõlemad juhtumised kui põmm-pähe, lausa piinlik, kui naiivne võisin olla. Lisaks ei õnnestunud osta soovitud viirusetõrje-programmi eile, sest eestist pole seda võimalik lihtsalt teha. Seda sain ka eile teada, pärast umbes 6h kestvaid proovimisi-katsetamisi-nurjumisi. Homme viin Killu töö juurde tehniku juurde, vaatab üle masina. Mul on nüüd tükiks ajaks päris ninani tehnikast ja installimistest, kuid lohutan end sellega, et kõik see jama andis õppetunni ning pean nagunii käivitama veel digitv ja telefoni, kui saan aparaadid kunagi.

Ei räägikski hetkel millestki muust, täna oli 10,5-tunnine tööpäev (niigi lühike) lasteaias ning olen üpriski väsinud. Nüüd sai novembrikuu graafik ka kirja pandud.

Peangi veel kirjutama uuest töökohast ja enda korterist! =)

Monday, October 6

The Mission "Apple" (TMA) continues

Yes, you heard it right. I've taken the matter of cleaning the garden and collectiong eatable apples to my heart, mostly because of the following reasons:

* I feel sorry for the unused apples laying on the ground;

* it gives me enough load to feel a small muscle ache (I feel it in bum muscles after all this bending for picking the apples);

* it's an excuse to spend time outside in the nature.
Today I managed to clean the areas under two out of five trees. Had to stop any action because of small black bugs that you don't hear when they attack you and once they've bitten you start itching your eyes or the skin near your hair. I don't know the name of those buggers but everyone who has been working in the garden know who I'm talking about! And.... I believe they were same monsters who we (me along four friends) managed to meet at Peipsi, in those small cabins next to the beach where we stayed over night and also at the beach while we played volley and football. It's time for blushing because I've to admit that when you let me near "human-biting" bugs or mosquitos, I intend to kill them..... sorry but I can't help it! Some of you may ask - how come 'cause she grew up at the countryside?!? Well, I do love animals, but there is a limit of tolerance. "Vot nii" - like we say in Estonian. Anyway, coming back to the apples, I hope to finish TMA tomorrow evening when happy apples will find their new owner.

Saturday, October 4

Some thoughts...

Since it's my second "log in" into the blogspot I haven't familiarized with the options of this web invironment yet, therefore my consern might be vain - shall I keep writing in Estonian or in English? I mean... nowadays almost everybody have a knowledge of English in at least understanding the language, but in the other hand I'm still not that confident in expressing myself in other language than my native tongue. In fact, the more I speak the more I feel the less I know. It's probably caused by the fact that the more I speak the more I use the grammar and I figure out where are my weeknesses and also, the more vocabulary is being used which has became kind of the....how to say... the stumbling block to me. In spite of the mentioned fear I try not to get daunted and keep going because I believe every obstacle is meant to be exceeded!
Anyway, I think I'll keep writing in both languages, but we'll see.

Today - it was my first day over a month at the countryside. I was very lucky to enjoy the mangificent weather. Started my morning with a nice... I mean really nice...warm shower. Why I emphasize such a elementary part of the day? It's because in Tallinn there is no warm water at the place where am staying currently. Then - went outside to find any "eatable" (a word that my granny used) apple. Found. Many of them, a lovely red ruddiness on their cheeks, laying on the ground. Meantime my granny and Vaino came over, the first one was more excitet over the apples than I was... =) Since my goat is being sick already for few weeks, collected some of them to her as well. Molly's eyes increased and started to glow, but she didn't have much energy to bite the apple. She's always been the one who dictates the world of two goats in our farm and now she's not able to eat properly even a apple. Hereby have to honor the One who decides over our faith and admit that Molly's 11 years old. On Monday the journey of Molly and Kiki will become to the end. It's sad. It's hard to accept. But there are things we, humans, have no control over. I know, many of you who are reading these words must think she (Nelli-me) is crazy to talk like this about a goat!!! But those who know me even just a little bit, also know that animals are important to me, they've had a huge part in the most of my life so far. And yes, haven't written yet where am I coming from and where I grew up, so apologizes in front of those who I dared to shock with my goat-story!

Now more about the "normal" subjects....after saying bye to the granny and Vaino I decided to watch some TV which is also a novelty for me since I don't have a TV currently in Tallinn...haven't had already for 13 months. Every now and then I do "see" it at my friends places, but fortunately can admit that don't miss it that much, only that it would be nice to follow the international news and travel channel. Then....then what... Had a lunch and then my parents came home.....after talking to my mother went for a walk around the lake, Pühajärv. Didn't take the camera with me so you, my dear readership, can only imagine how colorful and magnificent the nature is right now! It's just incredible! Me, who is used to be surrounded by the high buildings and blacktopped roads, streets, enjoyed every single small leaf in the forest.....I could write much about the experienced feelings, but will do it after my next trip where I hope to collect also some illustrative material. Still, am very happy even without taking any pictures cause went for a walk for myself and when I want to experience the experienced situations, I just have to lay down, close my eyes, and imagine. Yes, it's that simple. My dear friend told me how he does it, how he doesn't need a camera and I agree with him. In the other hand it's also great to share the feelings with others and the picture is the most clear way for doing it. Words can do the same, it'll take just more time. I actually admire poetists and writers and others who can express themselves and their ideas via words.

I better stop now, before I continue with stories about everyday life, have to explain where am I coming from etc, like I promised above... so... Arrivederci a presto.... a molto presto!!!

nb - I'm aware of the use of the word "more" above, used it more than it would be recommended in one short text =P

Thursday, October 2

Esimene sissekanne

Nii.. olen ammu tahtnud blogi käivitada, nüüd on see siis tehtud. Arvan, et lähipäevil siia suurt midagi ei lisandu. Aga see ei loe, peaasi et algus on tehtud! See võttis vaid 3 sammu ja 3 sekundit aega.. kui pikaldased võivad inimesed vahel olla. TERE TULEMAST minu seiklustesse!